01 March 2007

hospital confessional.

I am sitting
helpless beside her
hospital bed body
in chair mind
not present

nurses interrupt
taking vitals, pain--

she sleeps, IV--
protruding from her arm
like a giant tick
swollen to capacity
embedded in a dog

my mind--

life has become a ceaseless dream of lucidity
where i sit--
the nurses--
the ones i love--
in johnnys

burning so brightly as to singe the thoughts
in the forefront of my mind, becoming a part of all the thoughts
that pass

is the realization that
their future is uncertain
their lives may end
there is nothing I can do about it



Anonymous said...

I like the shortness of the lines, like "in chair mind". I like the line 'becoming a part of all the thoughts/that pass'. There is a hauntingness to this piece. There is actually some sense of hope in it, although it is bleak like the lines. I like it.

Anonymous said...

You write fine poetry, clueless! Insofar as "hospital confessional.", it reminds me of the tales my mother, a nurse, tells of her workplace. I love line 16,
life has become a ceaseless dream of lucidity
the irony is so strong and beautiful!

From this and "crossroads", you present yourself as unsure and in a little way, frightened- clueless indeed. I hope it is not genuinely so...how sad that would be! I am generally more certain in my work, combining logos and pathos. I ask that you visit my blog,


which is about a third to half poetry. Whether or not you find time over a long cup of tea (I LOVE THOSE TOO!!!), I wish you the very best!
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

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